Advanced Computing and Communications Society



ADCOM 2012

The Advanced Computing and Communications Society (ACCS) in association with the IEEE Computer Society announces the 18th annual International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM 2012) at Bangalore during 14th -16th December 2012.

Event: Advanced Computing and Communications Conference 2012 (ADCOM 2012)
Theme: Virtualization
Date: 14th, 15th & 16th December 2012
Venue: Learning Centre, WIPRO Technologies, EC4 Gate 11, Electronics City, Hosur Main Road, Bangalore.

ACCS, a partner society of the IEEE Computer Society, is a registered scientific society in India founded to provide a forum to individuals, institutions and industry to promote and disseminate their innovative and pioneering work in Computing and Communications Sciences.

ADCOM, the flagship Systems Conference of the ACCS, is a major annual international meeting that attracts professionals from industry, academia and governments across the world. ADCOM is a very successful and a highly rated event that draws leading scientists and researchers in computational engineering.

ADCOM 2012 focuses on the growing importance of Large Scale Systems Engineering and Virtualization will be the main theme. Virtualization emphasizes reducing and optimizing resource consumption in the march towards sustainable computing and is one of the pillars of today’s System design and deployment. The concept of Virtualization is very broad and is applied to devices, hardware platforms, operating systems, servers, applications, networks and storage systems.

Virtualization will be the highest-impact trend in Infrastructure and Operations Market through 2013. The rules of Systems Management, Deployment, Planning and Purchasing are being radically altered. Its positive impact on flexibility, utilization, cost-effectiveness of a distributed computing environment is highly visible. Server virtualization continues to lead Virtualization reform and is expected to bring the X86 server market down by an additional 10-15 % over the next three years. PC Virtualization is increasing rapidly, while Application Virtualization is picking up further interest. However, Machine Virtualization will have strong impact since it directly relates to Personal Computing. Virtualization is the key to increase end-user experience with the advent of smart mobile devices with anywhere-anytime access via high-bandwidth connectivity.

There are no clear winners yet in terms of “Infrastructure Control Architectures”. When they do emerge, the industry will go through another upheaval. This conference will explore many aspects of Virtualization including large scale system builds with current technology. For researchers and academics, there are several open areas in Virtualization for I/O Systems, Embedded Systems, Open Source systems, etc.

Domain experts present and debate the issues and policies affecting Virtualization efforts and related technologies in this multi track meeting. ADCOM 2012 will also host several focus-group workshops in parallel.

Champions and Thought leaders of the industry, government and academia will deliver keynote messages at this event and deliberate on technical and business matters related to but not limited to:

  • Emerging Architectures & Sustainable Designs
  • Software approaches to virtualization and new services
  • Security and Trust considerations
  • Energy-efficiencies with Virtualization
  • Energy Efficient Routing & Traffic Engineering
  • Servers, Operating Systems & Storage Systems
  • Platform-as-a-Service with Open Standards
  • Novel device architectures for virtualization
  • Hardware support for I/O virtualization
  • Data Mining and Analytics
  • Computing for emerging markets
  • Mobile Computing
  • Embedded Computing
  • Wireless Sensor Networks

Important Dates:

  • Technical Papers sought by (15th July 2012) 30th August 2012
  • Acceptance communicated by (10th October 2012) 5th November 2012
  • Camera Ready copies due by 30th November 2012


Authors are encouraged to submit their papers using EDAS ( ). All papers will be reviewed for technical content and scope by a technical program committee. All accepted and presented papers would be digitally archived through IEEE Xplore.

The page limits are SIX pages for the long paper track and THREE pages for the short paper track. Papers should be in PDF format, two columns, font size 10 or greater and compliant with IEEE manuscript guidelines.

Submitted papers must be unpublished and not currently under review for any other publication. Authors of accepted papers will need to sign an ACCS copyright release form and present their paper at the conference.

Email us at or
Call us at +91 80 2360 7142 or
Write to us at:
Secretary, ADCOM 2012
Advanced Computing & Communications Society
Gate #2, CV Raman Avenue, Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore 560 012, India